A bit of structure for Serverless

As of late, I’ve been spending quite a bit of time working with the Serverless Framework and have certainly become a fan. One of the many nice features of the framework is a robust CLI story that allows you to get an application up and running quickly.

Titanium Workflow: Maximize your productivity

Original post date Jul29th, 2013

In a previous post, I discussed setting up Sublime Text, IntelliJ IDEA and MakeTi for a Titanium development workflow to be used as an alternative to Titanium Studio. With the release of…

Testing with Spring RestTemplate

Original post date Aug 29th, 2012

The Spring framework has made it trivial to consume RESTful resources by using their RestTemplate. I’ve been using the RestTemplate on a recent project and came accross a cool way to run unit tests by mocking out…

Surround with Quotes in IntelliJ IDEA

Original post date Aug 12th, 2012

There is a nice feature in IntelliJ IDEA called “Surround With” (activated with cmd+option+t) that will wrap the current section with something. There are a few default surround with commands already, but…